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Monday, March 12, 2012

WHYlon, Nylon!

From Shaw Web Studio!

During the month of March, Shaw is focused on nylon, specifically Anso nylon!

Why nylon? 
  • Nylon has been the most commonly used carpet fiber since the 1960s. 
  • In overall performance characteristics, nylon is the softest and most versatile of all fiber types 
  • Nylon by nature is the most durable, resilient and receptive to dying for color versatility and uniformity. 
Shaw’s nylons include Anso® nylon and EverTouch styles.

Anso® nylon is superior. If you can remember the acronym GREAT, you can remember why:

G = Green.  
Anso nylon is SCS certified with 25% recycled content and is recyclable back into new nylon.

R = Resilient. 
It will look newer longer!

E= Experience. 
Consumers have chosen Anso nylon for more than 40 years

A = Anti-soil, Anti-stain
The name Anso is an acronym for Anti-Soil. So when we say Anso® nylon, we are really saying Anti-soil nylon. It is enhanced with Shaw’s patented stain and soil resistance system, R2X. This means Anso nylon products will perform better and look newer longer.

This means it will stand up to the consumer’s busy lifestyle over time.

Look for GREAT down the side of all Anso nylon sample labels.
Where else will the message be featured? 

Also, don't forget to Like Kemp's Flooring  on Facebook and follow everyone's favorite pup, Carpet Annie!